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Version 2.0 - coming soon!

This site and the 1st SCICOMM class I taught in Fall 2017 were initially an experiment. I had no idea if anyone would be interested. I also have little experience in SCICOMM.

It turns out that the experiment was a success! We had a group of 14 of us that grew into friends and formed community over the course of the semester. We created this website. And each person has furthered their own SCICOMM goals over

the year. I also formally proposed a Science Communication class and had it approved!

So, we are gearing up this year for the 1st ever SFSU offering of SCI/BIOL719 Exploring and Practicing Science Communication for Fall 2018! We hope that by offering the SCI option, students from across the College of Science and Engineering can more easily earn credits for the course.

Please come and explore science communication with us. Don't worry if you have no experience or if you have been doing your own #SCICOMM for years. The community we form will be enriching to anyone. And even if you can't take the course, please connect with us here on the site or at any of our contact links.

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