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Being Black in Science....

Usually when I am at a school function...besides people asking me my name they ask me what is my major… I start by replying my name is Destinee and I study Biology...I spend many of my days in a lab conducting experiments...I am a scientist! I wish you were there to see the way some people look at me...their faces reminds me of how deer look when car headlights shine in their faces...I stand there as they stand there...I stare as they stare but as they are standing their questioning me...I am standing there thinking here we go again...I would say I am used to the stigmas associated with being Black but it never fails to phase me when I encounter such high levels of is hurtful and to many it is skin skin complexion and gender combined should not be cloud brains to the levels it seems to when the words “I am a scientist” fly’s out of my mouth... my pigment does not define my intellect...

- Spoken word by Destinee

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